Posts by Center for Community Schooling Blog
November 2020 Newsletter
Embracing Hope and Opportunity Amidst a Pandemic
October 2020 Newsletter
UCLA Community School 2019-20 Annual Report: The Power of Community
This year’s annual report focuses on the school’s strong sense of community and the collective agency of educators, students, families, and UCLA partners in response to the pandemic and Spring 2020 school closure. Alongside our annual demographics and dashboard indicators, we share a set of core practice narratives that bring to life the power of community to support the well-being and education of its members.
Integrated Data Systems: Informing Student Supports in Community Schools
This brief documents the efforts of two university-assisted community schools—UCLA Community School and Mann UCLA Community School—to systematize the delivery and efficacy of a range of student supports, services and learning opportunities through locally designed integrated data systems (IDS).
Mann UCLA Community School 2019-20 Annual Report: Preparing Active & Critical Participants in Society
Mann UCLA Community School is a university-assisted neighborhood public school within the Los Angeles Unified School District. In 2016, UCLA partnered with Horace Mann Middle School to help reimagine the school as a K-12 community school, building on the strengths of the community as well as the success of the Robert F. Kennedy UCLA Community School in Pico Union/Koreatown. To share our story and progress during the high school’s third year, this annual report focuses on preparing students to be active and critical participants in society.