CCSPP APR Visualization

In our role as the S-TAC data lead, we created interactive data visualizations using Annual Progress Report data from the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years. Grantees can explore APR data…

Annual Progress Report Findings: 2022-2023

The CCSPP APR serves as a tool to assess implementation efforts, and to encourage reflection as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement. This report presents findings based on…

Deep Dive Strategy Report: Cohort 1

The S-TAC adopted a “Deep Dive” strategy to study and support CCSPP implementation across different Local Education Agencies (LEAs) or consortia. These “transformation zones” represent a vertical slice of the…

CCSPP Fundamentals

CCSPP Overarching Values

Capacity Building Strategies: A Developmental Rubric